Practice Your "Grounding" Routine

People who practice grounding regularly get to a place where the first sign of stress automatically triggers a grounding response. At this point you are living in a grounded state, a state that allows you to control your reactions and use your energy in the most positive way.

You are now ready to practice a grounding routine. We encourage you to customize your routine to your own body and mind. Remember that you must make the decision that your state of being at any given moment is more important than resolving a situation.

Develop your routine and practice it the same way each time. This way your grounding routine will become more effective and easier to do. Even when you are “hooked” enough by a situation that it is very difficult to attain this state.

The key to grounding is practice. If you understand the concept of grounding and you develop a grounding routine for yourself, it will not be of any use to you if when your emotional tensions rise you are not using grounding automatically.

Being grounded is not be merely how you handle yourself under emotional stress, it should be how you conduct yourself in all interactions. Practice your grounding routine many times a day.

To be grounded in an attitude of compassion is to be capable of receiving and welcoming the suffering, which the other is giving us.

This does not mean that
we suffer for them, but
that we offer them
possibility of going
beyond the separate
self in which
suffering is harbored.

Unit 1
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