Bubble Theory

Imagine a tub full of bubbles - like a bubble bath. However, each of us lives within one bubble as independent entities in the tub.

In many ways the bubbles are similar, and in many ways each is unique. Each bubble is composed of the memories of each individual’s experience.

The bubbles move freely around the tub interacting, helping each other grow, essentially keeping each other from loneliness and boredom. Each bubble has consideration for the other bubbles.

From outside of the tub it is easy to see that all the bubbles are about the same size and all move around the tub in varies patterns and positions, none controlling any one spot for very long.

It is unfortunate that there are certain delusions that seem inherent in living within a bubble. One common delusion is that my bubble is in the ‘center’ of the tub since from my point of view all is occurring around me. This is similar to the one-time common belief that the Earth was the center of the Universe. It only seemed that way due to our limited vision.

Remember that the entity in each bubble believes that they are a ‘hero/star in their own ‘movie’ - I must be the lead, I am in every scene!

All of the memories that have ever made compose each entities bubble and forms their world. Each entity has their own bubble! Not only does each bubble have some memories that are different, no two memories or bubbles are the same!

As the bubbles bounce around in the water they work together and coexist. They've develop a harmonic shared reality so that they can interact on ‘one stage’ with other aware entities. The entities compensate for their differences so they can share the bubble world.

Unlike bubbles, we speed along through the most complex interactions, reacting without a second thought. For our interactions with others to improve, we must slow down and learn to balance our need to get things done, with developing deeper consideration for the working environment and the relationships we want to have with others.

Individual commitment to a group effort--that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.


Unit 3
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