Interaction and Responsibility

The word responsibility meaning exactly what it sounds like, response-ability. When you are given a responsibility, you are given choices within  certain boundaries. Responsibility can lead to friction with others, and interactions with others are usually required for you to fulfill your responsibility.

Suppose you are ‘in charge’ of groceries purchases and household supplies. You would be buying more supplies when necessary, have a budget, and you keep lists, etc.

You have more choices than others in controlling food and supplies! That means more response-ability!

Define Responsibility

When someone shares responsibility, they are often giving you the job of negotiating or setting limits within the bounds of the task. It is recommended that you carefully define these responsibilities and the procedures that may be involved when you use your choices.

Define Power

Understanding what power you have to defend a boundary, or begin a negotiation that helps you to take the responsibility. Remember you can't negotiate or limit set without the power to issue consequences.

For Example:

You enjoy eating sushi several times a week, but the budget only allows for sushi once a week. If you desire sushi twice a week you must be willing to give up something else so that the budget remains intact.

It is important to keep the purchases of supplies on budget. If the person responsible for purchasing these supplies is not able to make selection choices that enable them to keep within budget they will not be able to stay within the budget.

Be sure that the responsibilities that are shared are agreed upon, reasonable, and fair. Set reasonable consequences that are acceptable to both parties.

When someone gives you responsibility they are often giving you the job of negotiating or setting limits within the bounds
of the task . . .
do you have the options and the power needed
to successfully assume
the responsibility?
Ask for it!

Unit 4
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